Unexpected circumstances, such as job loss, major illnesses or injuries, can cause debt to pile up. With a diminished income you may feel trapped with nowhere to turn. Under overwhelming pressure, these financial problems can quickly become mental and even physical burdens. No matter what troublesome financial situation you find yourself in, the legal system most likely provides you a clear, safe and sensible course back to financial health. The attorneys at CTM Legal Group have helped hundreds of distressed consumers navigate their way through difficult financial straits. Our attorneys include career-long bankruptcy practitioners as well as former creditor attorneys who now represent people in financial difficulty.
If you find yourself in such a situation, don't try to “go it alone.” Your creditors have great attorneys and know their rights well. Even the playing field and give us a call. In a free one-hour consultation, an attorney can provide you with:
- An honest assessment of your situation.
- Answers to questions you have about your legal rights.
- A plan for attacking your situation, reducing your legal risk, and minimizing your financial liability.
In many cases, a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy may be your best course of action. CTM Legal Group's attorneys have years of combined experience with bankruptcy, who are ready to fight to get you a fresh start.
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